Plot Squared Use Flag

Posted By admin On 10/04/22

Overview PlotSquared is the most advanced multiworld plot generator and management system! The generator offers a level of control unmatched by any other plot generator, control percentage composition of each plot section, or even use a schematic for road or plot components. It is also capable of running alongside other gener. Overview PlotSquared is the most advanced multiworld plot generator and management system! The generator offers a level of control unmatched by any other plot generator, control percentage composition of each plot section, or even use a schematic for road or plot components.

{ Discord }
By Citymonstret& Empire92 & MBon29 &dordsor21
The last release of this resource here on dev bukkit has just been posted.
Read more about it on our discord server:
PlotSquared version 5 (and higher) has been released as a separate resource here.
  • PlotSquared is a land management plugin and world manager which also comes with several highly configurable world generators. (See images below)
  • You can create plots of land in existing worlds using plot clusters, or you can have a full world of plots.
Conversion to PlotSquared is automated
  • See here for PlotMe conversion.
  • See here for Plotz conversion.
  • Survival servers: We have a 'town' template included with the plugin, or create your own using /plot setup
  • Skyblock: 'skyblock' template included with the plugin
  • Are you a programmer? Use it to manage minigames. Clear arenas async, and manage plots using the plot cluster API.
  • It's also being used on forge servers such as pixelmon.
Fast, scalable and efficient
  • Async plot clearing is more than 800 times faster than PlotMe, among many other performance improvements
  • Works with hundreds of thousands of plots, or monster 2K x 2K custom terrain plots, with many functions built specifically for mass plot management
  • Plot condensation and world trimming can drastically reduce the size of the world on disk
  • Powerful plot analysis and auto clearing mean you can further remove low quality plots
  • Legacy support for Bukkit 1.7 - 1.12, Sponge, and Nukkit (MCPE)
  • Updated support for Bukkit 1.13
  • Support for offline mode servers
  • Community translations for several languages (may be outdated)
  • In built plot downloading + cross server saving and loading + some optional web interfaces
  • Plot swapping / copying and cross world plot moving
  • Plot merging, your own plots or between friends
  • Extensive flag system so you can decide what should be protected on a per world, or per plot basis
  • Plot entry notifications / per plot time / weather / music etc with the flag system
  • Add custom roads to existing maps to make them look nicer
  • Recolor all text easily and configure additional messages however you want
  • Dynamic world border to prevent excessive exploring
  • Mob protection and per plot mob limiting
  • Interactive commands such as plot listing
  • Plot rating, ranking, complexity analysis, and auto clearing calibration
  • Use javascript to add new commands or script simple things like auto merging all plots
  • Plot schematic saving, loading and pasting
  • Per player settings such as plot chat and entry notifications
  • World creation either with multiverse, /plot setup, or manual yml configuration
  • Command recommendation if you mistype something
  • Plot commenting and inboxes
  • World auto trimming which reduces the CPU and disk usage when people explore
  • Pistons and Sand/TNT cannons are properly restricted
  • Per plot redstone settings + plot redstone disablers
  • Optional fast async worldediting
  • WorldEdit (included)/VoxelSniper (with addon) restricted to plots
  • Chunk processing to safely unload dangerous chunks (also processes WorldEdit commands)
  • Component setting (floor, wall, border)
  • Section off areas (e.g. an area for donors) with plot clusters, or add plot clusters to vanilla worlds
  • Use holograms instead of signs if you want (HoloPlots addon)
  • Four tiers of plot allowance: Owner, Helper, Trusted, Denied
  • Plot naming (for teleportation)
  • Configurable command confirmation (e.g. for /plot clear)
  • Manage islands, skyblock, vanilla worlds, or certain sections of worlds as plots
  • A lot of generators, and settings to choose from
  • Installation (includes conversion)
  • Usage (info about various parts of the plugin)
  • Permissions (Basic permission setup)
  • Commands (List and description of all commands)
  • Plot2Dynmap(Dynmap addon)
  • VoxelSniperRegions(Restrict VoxelSniper)
  • PlotRankup(Plot approval system)
  • PlotUpload (Web interface that supports multiple servers)
  • PlotWebPHP(Web interface that supports plot searching)
  • HoloPlots(Plot holograms)
  • RedstoneClockPreventer2(prevent clocks)
  • CommandBlock (Restrict command blocks to plots)
  • FastAsyncWorldEdit (Async WorldEdit in plots)
  • PlotHider (Make plots invisible)
  • HybridGenerator (This is bundled with PlotSquared.jar and supports plot + road schematics as well as Augmented generation)
  • BiomeGenerator(Natural biomes within plots not a world generator)
  • PlotSquaredSG(Standalone generator not a plot manager)
  • AdvPlots(Non square schematic generation)
  • BasicPlots(Basic generator with 1 plot per chunk)
  • PlotSquaredMG(Large custom terrain gen)
  • IslandPlots(Islands in ocean)
  • Chinese version(中国版)
  • SpongeAPI version
  • WorldEdit(Edit blocks within your plot)
  • VoxelSniper (Ranged map editing)
  • TerrainControl(Control over augmented plot worlds)
  • ArmorStandTools(Add armor stands in your plot)
  • BuildersUtilities (Miscellaneous features to help with building)
  • PlotsMenu (GUI for plot commands)
  • Umbaska (Skript addon)
Add roads to your world...
  • Roads can be conveniently added to new or existing worlds
  • Supports larger plot sizes than pure schematic generation
  • (here's the template below /plot template import bridge)
In built plot downloading (no setup required)...
  • Just use /plot download
  • Cross server '/plot save', '/plot load' and '/plot schematic paste url:'
  • See addons above for additional web interfaces
Plot merging...
  • Use commands or enable auto merging
  • Merge plots and build with friends
In game world creation...
  • Use /plot setup
Combine generators; with or without roads...
  • Generate using any generator you want e.g. Normal terrain, Nether, or even TerrainControl
Plots can be anywhere...
  • Plot clusters can go anywhere, and can simply be invisible boundaries if you want.
Actually set the plot biome...
Notifications/Per plot time + weather...
Complete control over plot composition...
  • Default generator bundled with PlotSquared
  • Percentage control over plot components and blocks
The comment section is disabled. If you need support or want to follow our development, join our discord.

About Project

Created Sep 24, 2014
Total Downloads153,197



Create Line Plot with Markers

Adding markers to a line plot can be a useful way to distinguish multiple lines or to highlight particular data points. Add markers in one of these ways:

  • Include a marker symbol in the line-specification input argument, such as plot(x,y,'-s').

  • Specify the Marker property as a name-value pair, such as plot(x,y,'Marker','s').

For a list of marker options, see Supported Marker Symbols.

Add Markers to Line Plot

Create a line plot. Display a marker at each data point by including the line-specification input argument when calling the plot function. For example, use '-o' for a solid line with circle markers.

If you specify a marker symbol and do not specify a line style, then plot displays only the markers with no line connecting them.

Alternatively, you can add markers to a line by setting the Marker property as a name-value pair. For example, plot(x,y,'Marker','o') plots a line with circle markers.

Specify Marker Size and Color

Create a line plot with markers. Customize the markers by setting these properties using name-value pair arguments with the plot function:

  • MarkerSize - Marker size, which is specified as a positive value.

  • MarkerEdgeColor - Marker outline color, which is specified as a color name or an RGB triplet.

  • MarkerFaceColor - Marker interior color, which is specified as a color name or an RGB triplet.

Specify the colors using either a character vector of a color name, such as 'red', or an RGB triplet, such as [0.4 0.6 0.7]. An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range [0,1].

Control Placement of Markers Along Line

Create a line plot with 1,000 data points, add asterisks markers, and control the marker positions using the MarkerIndices property. Set the property to the indices of the data points where you want to display markers. Display a marker every tenth data point, starting with the first data point.

Display Markers at Maximum and Minimum Data Points

Plot Squared Use Flag Poles

Create a vector of random data and find the index of the minimum and maximum values. Then, create a line plot of the data. Display red markers at the minimum and maximum data values by setting the MarkerIndices property to a vector of the index values.

Revert to Default Marker Locations

Modify the marker locations, then revert back to the default locations.


Create a line plot and display large, square markers every five data points. Assign the chart line object to the variable p so that you can access its properties after it is created.

Plot Squared V5

Reset the MarkerIndices property to the default value, which is a vector of all index values from 1 to the number of data points.

Supported Marker Symbols

'+'Plus sign
'_'Horizontal line
' 'Vertical line
'square' or 's'Square
'diamond' or 'd'Diamond
'^'Upward-pointing triangle
'v'Downward-pointing triangle
'>'Right-pointing triangle
'<'Left-pointing triangle
'pentagram' or 'p'Five-pointed star (pentagram)
'hexagram' or 'h'Six-pointed star (hexagram)
'none'No markers

The line-specification input argument does not support marker options that are more than one character. Use the one character alternative or set the Marker property instead.

See Also


  • loglog plot plot3 scatter

Plot Squared 1.16
