Ocasio Cortez Pee

Posted By admin On 15/04/22

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)’s Green New Deal legislation will abolish I.C.E. — the internal combustion engine.

Ocasio Cortez Pee

5, the congressional office of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a new blog entry under “energy issues” detailing her 'Green New Deal' proposal and answering “frequently asked. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 10, 2019. Women in leadership face more scrutiny? More scrutiny than what? At which point, that lovely plot device in The Good Fight. The Donald Trump Pee Pee. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an American Democratic Socialist who made headlines in 2018 when, at the age of 28, she beat out a 10-term New York Democrat incumbent in a congressional primary. Recently, extreme leftist U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D– NY), visited migrant detention facilities at the U.S. Southern border with Mexico. Yet again, the outspoken lawmaker created controversy. After her trip, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets” according to TheBlaze. Saikat Chakrabarti, Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, said in a series of tweets Saturday that the FAQ was published by mistake. It did not match the Green New Deal’s legislative text on aspects like welfare and nuclear power. Mistakes happen when doing time launches like.


The bill introduced Thursday by Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) requires “overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector” through investment in “zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing,” a move which would necessarily eliminate the internal combustion engine as we know it.

An outline released on Thursday of the Green New Deal’s proposals identifies “14 infrastructure and industrial projects,” including a goal to “replace every combustion-engine vehicle”:

Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with [the] goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle.” (emphasis added).

These transportation mandates, coupled with the Green New Deal’s call for the U.S. to have “net-zero emissions by 2050,” will impact nearly every sector of the economy and every region of the country–especially the Rust Belt states that were crucial to President Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory.

An estimated 7 million Americans work in the automotive industry and earn their living from manufacturing, selling, or servicing cars and trucks. The abolishment of the internal combustion engine, which still powers the majority of vehicles, will impact these Americans the most.

The auto industry is already experiencing the disruption caused by an industry-wide transition from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric and autonomous vehicles. Climate change politics in North America and Europe and energy policies in Asia have pushed the industry towards electric as the future of automation, despite consumer preferences in the U.S. and Europe for large gas-powered vehicles.

Nearly all of the world’s auto manufacturers are investing heavily in electric vehicles, with many now declaring that their entire line up will soon be electric.

The German auto giant Volkswagen is investing 80 billion euros toward mass-producing electric vehicles and fazing out the combustion engine by 2026. The first of VW’s new electric cars is set to debut in 2020.


The biggest winner in the race to the electric future is China, where companies like Ford and General Motors have partnered with Chinese state-owned companies to develop and manufacture new electric vehicles in Asia. Ford has 16 new electric models coming out of China in the next few years, and GM intends to launch 20 electric models in China by 2023.

GM CEO Mary Barra told investors on Wednesday that GM is committed to an “all-electric” future, but does not expect its electric vehicles to be profitable until “early next decade,” CNBC reports.

GM began laying off thousands of American workers this Monday, which industry insiders are calling “Black Monday.” Breitbart’s John Binder reports:

The Monday layoffs of at least 4,000 GM white-collar American workers in Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, Georgia, and Texas is just the latest component of the corporation’s laying off of 14,700 workers in North America — including at least 3,300 American factory workers.

GM’s management has explained the mass layoffs as being part of a “restructuring” to focus on electric and autonomous vehicles to be manufactured in China.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez celebrates Amazon's decision to pull the plug on planned NYC headquarters

Amazon has fired back against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claims about the company’s poor working conditions, inviting the firebrand congresswoman to tour the facilities and see it “for yourself.”

Amazon’s David Clark, senior vice president of worldwide operations, made the invitation on Twitter after Ocasio-Cortez accused the e-commerce giant of creating “dehumanizing conditions” for its employees.

Ocasio Cortez Peep

“Is that culture of ‘strict performance’ why Amazon workers have to urinate in bottles & work while on food stamps to meet ‘targets’? ‘Performance’ shouldn’t come at the cost of dehumanizing conditions. That’s why we got rid of sweatshops,” she wrote.

But Clark shot back, claiming that such allegations “aren’t true” and invited the congresswoman to the visit the company to get a sense how the employees are treated.

“.@aoc these claims simply aren’t true. We are proud of our jobs with excellent pay ($15 min), benefits from day 1, & lots of other benefits like our Career Choice pre-paid educational programs. Why don’t you come take a tour & see for yourself...we’d love to have you!,” he tweeted. The post was retweeted under Amazon’s official PR handle as well.

The latest exchange came after Amazon’s spokesman slammed the New York Democrat and other lawmakers in the state for creating a hostile environment to make business – culminating in the company’s decision to pull out of the project to build its planned headquarters in the borough of Queens in New York City. (Ocasio-Cortez's district includes parts of Queens and the Bronx.)

“If you talk to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it's 'Never Amazon,'” Jodi Seth, the head of policy communications for Amazon, told NBC News in an interview Thursday. “If you talk to [New York City Councilman Jimmy] Van Bramer, it's unions.”

Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the decision, even as others noted that this actually means a loss of well-paying jobs in the state.

Ocasio Cortez Pee

“Anything is possible: today was the day a group of dedicated, everyday New Yorkers & their neighbors defeated Amazon’s corporate greed, its worker exploitation, and the power of the richest man in the world,” she tweeted.

Seth added that while it wasn’t “any one incident” that prompted the company to back out of the state, the virulent political climate that occurred over the past three months was what led to the decision.

Ocasio Cortez Peekskill

“It was that the environment over the course of the past three months had not got any better. There were some local and state elected officials who refused to meet with Amazon and criticized us day in and day out about the plan,” she said in the interview.