Ocasio Cortez Jokes

Posted By admin On 10/04/22
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  4. Alexandria Ocasio-cortez Jokes
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Time War Mistake I do think that sometimes, especially coming into this going straight from activism to being a candidate or to being a person who potentially, you know, looks like will be holding political office soon, I think we expect our politicians to be perfect and fully formed and on point on every single issue.

Congressional candidate Lauren Boebert joked about “jello wrestling” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in an exchange with a conservative comedian who also used an ethnic slur during his introduction. Her appearance could lend credence to concerns that she isn’t prepared to be the Republican nominee for Colorado’s Third District.

This Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Boyfriend, Oddly This is His Favorite Sex Position If Pumpkins Grow From Pumpkin Seeds Do Birds Grow From Birdseed Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. No one told her you aren’t unemployed after your first job. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at a pride parade in the Bronx, New York, June 17, 2018. (David Dee Delgado/Reuters) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez majored in economics, but she doesn’t seem to.

On January 28, Boebert appeared on Compound Media’s “In Hot Water” show with host Geno Bisconte. The show is known for segments including “Rape of the Day,” and “Random Rape Threat Generator,” as well as a litany of racist remarks and sketches.

True to form, even before Boebert was on the line, host Bisconte joked that Boebert “wants to win the seat… and then wrestle [U.S. Rep] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in jello or pudding, and that would be fun to watch because she is a lovely woman.”

Bisconte then told his co-host that jello wrestling was “how we stay one step ahead of the Japs, who are jamming themselves into subway cars.”

Bisconte then introduced Boebert, who had clearly been listening to the host, as she embraced the jello-wrestling joke:

While the demeaning jello-wrestling wasn’t Boebert’s idea, after Bisconte made it, he asked Boebert a straightforward “tell us about your campaign” question. She chose to respond by returning to jello-wrestling.

Appearing on comedy talk shows isn’t unusual for political candidates, but it’s delicate territory for even the most experienced of campaigners, much less a neophyte like Boebert.

Ocasio Cortez Memes

She may not have known about the show’s enthusiasm for rape humor, but at the very least she heard the host use an ethnic slur and make a sexist joke while introducing her and instead of hanging up, calling him out or even just giving a straight interview, she instead provided a cringe-worthy sound-bite of her own.

Interviews such as this add to concerns voiced by other Colorado Republicans that Boebert’s win may put the Third District at risk.

Former Denver GOP chair Jake Viano expressed his frustration in a recent Facebook post:

Reached for additional comment, Viano noted that it wasn’t the result he wanted, “but now that she’s the nominee, I’ll support her.”

Boebert’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment, so it’s unclear how much she knew about the show in advance of granting the interview.

Compared to other underdog primary candidates, however, she had a fair amount of experience with national conservative media. Her campaign was essentially launched with multiple media interviews following her viral moment last September when she confronted former presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke over his support of mandatory assault rifle buybacks.

Just eight days before her appearance on the “In Hot Water” show, Boebert gave an interview to Breitbart News in Virginia where she was participating in a widely publicized gun rights rally at the state Capitol.

Boebert’s most recent national press, following her surprise victory over four-term Congressman Scott Tipton, didn’t address her primary issue of gun rights advocacy. Most reporters focused on statements from another interview she gave to an online conservative outlet in which she expressed support for the “QAnon” conspiracy theory.

© Pool Ocasio-Cortez hits back at Marjorie Taylor Greene over 'dumb blonde' joke on Twitter

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) hit back at Georgia House candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene on Monday after the Republican mockingly thanked the congresswoman for putting an end to 'dumb blonde' jokes.

'Don't worry Mrs. Greene, I completely understand why you need to swing + miss at my intellect to make yourself feel better,' Ocasio-Cortez tweeted in response to a tweet from Greene.

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Greene, who has openly promoted the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory, had tweeted that 'as a blonde woman' she would like to 'thank' the freshman lawmaker because 'she has single handily put an end to all 'dumb blonde' jokes.'

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'Blondes everywhere appreciate your service and your sacrifice!' Greene added.

Ocasio-Cortez corrected Greene's spelling in her tweet hitting back, wishing the Georgia hopeful luck when she's 'writing legislation.'

Ocasio Cortez Jokes

Don't worry Mrs. Greene, I completely understand why you need to swing + miss at my intellect to make yourself feel better.

Alexandria Ocasio-cortez Jokes

You seem to have some trouble spelling your own insults correctly.

Next time try 'single-handedly,' it'll work better.

Good luck writing legislation! https://t.co/y33JXVfxDc

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 21, 2020

Greene won the Republican nomination for Georgia's 14th Congressional District last month, sparking controversy because of her public support for the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that President Trump and his allies are working together to expose and arrest an underground cabal of global elite who control the government and run child sex trafficking rings.

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The long-shot Democratic candidate in the race, Kevin Van Ausdal, earlier this month said he would be ending his campaign since he is leaving the state.