2 Spots On Bladder
Posted By admin On 13/04/22: A camera in the bladder is a procedure called cystoscopy. Unfortunately, without being at the procedure or seeing captured images, i can't be certain what the spots might be. It can range from benign or inflammatory changes to spots that might be suspicious for bladder cancer. 'recently had a cystoscopy, found red spots on bladder. Going in for biopsy but doctor feels may just be inflammation. What could that besides cancer?' Answered by a verified doctor: Reasonable.: What the doctor has done for you was very reasonable s.
2 Spots On Bladder
![2 Spots On Bladder 2 Spots On Bladder](https://www.organic-pet-digest.com/images/dark-red-spots-under-dogs-skin-on-belly-21764201.jpg)
2 Spots On Bladder Infection
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