0 Results Found
Posted By admin On 12/04/22Re: Return 0 if not records are found in LINQ....
Dec 14, 2016 02:23 PM Rion Williams LINK
Just to reiterate, you cannot store two different data types (i.e. an IEnumerable<Group> and an integer) using the same single data type (as C# is strongly typed). So you aren't going to be able to return one or the other unless you create a class that is used to store them.
Your best bet is going to be to return your collection (empty or otherwise) and then when you need to use the 0 value, simply check if your collection is empty and handle it there (but not within the current function).
You can use the below code to return zero if no match has been found
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Thank you for your feedback! It sounds like it might be helpful to connect you to one of our Office support agents. A) 0 result b) 0 results Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. To return Sum as ‘0’ if no values are found, use IFNULL or COALESCE commands. The following is the syntax for IFNULL. SELECT IFNULL(SUM(NULL), 0) AS aliasName; Let us now implement the above syntax in the following query. Mysql SELECT IFNULL(SUM(NULL), 0) AS SUMOFTWO; The following is the output of the above query, which returns 0. From the Picture. I found result of sum -0. Please guide me result 0. I set format cell with Accounting.
This would sum each of the values of the records as opposed to actually returning the records.
0 Results Found
A Where clause will never return null, at worst case there are no matches, in which it will return an empty collection (which won't trigger the null coalescing operator '??'). Additionally, this implies that assignedGroups could hold either an IEnumerable or an integer, which the compiler isn't going to allow.
When you do a test access from the Email Router you get the following error message:
Name: CRM User
Incoming Status: Failure - No results were found.
0 Results Found Meaning
The event viewer error is as follows:
#26090 - An error occurred while opening mailbox user@domain.com. Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Providers.EmailException: No results were found.
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Providers.ExchangeWSConnector.IsCurrentUser()
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Providers.ExchangeWSConnector.GetService()
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Providers.ExchangeWSConnector.OpenMailbox()
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Providers.ExchangePollingMailboxProvider.InitExchangeConnector()
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Providers.ExchangePollingMailboxProvider.OpenMailbox()
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Providers.CrmPollingMailboxProvider.Run()